What's in a Name? Well, we were once What's in a name. Then we became "A Rose", for a moment. Now we have returned to the original, "What's in a Name Productions".
We love it here in Emerald City, we are indeed over the rainbow! And so happy to announce that we will be casting for our upcoming season.
We are also so excited to announce the production of
"HENRY!" by Mark Carter!
This is a rockin musical version of William Shakespeare's "Henry V"
We will also be casting for several other touring productions:
"Love's Labours Found"- Our touring Shakespearean inspired Musical Fairytale
"Shakespeare and the Creative Mind"- Will and Improv come together for an amazing event!
"The Geese of Windsor", The Wonderful World of Will's Women
Auditions will be held on Saturday, January 9, 2-4pm
Email us for audition details!
I am born, I am walking, I am learning, I am living, I am dying, I am reborn in peace and love
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Love's Labour's Found!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Auditioning for life, that's what I do. Always reinventing myself, constantly changing. I change my hair, my make-up, my clothes. What I have changed, is myself.I am releasing myself of past negative thinking and moving into my light. What's your passion, I'll share mine, you share yours and together we all co-create the path to our perfection.
Actors have passion for life. We also have the ability to share our passion with , well...anyone who'll watch. We research our roles. We explore different possibilities of each line we deliver, every level of emotion explore. We become who we perceive ourselves to be.
My favorite poet wrote"to be or not to be? that is the question." Well I know my answer to that question, having played Hamlet and explored the role for years.I read every book, watched every film and live performance I could. Reading, and re-reading. Rehearsing and reheasing. I put myself in his world, I achieved the depths and heights of emotions of his life and death.
I grew. I changed my way of looking at the world.
Every time we read a book, or poem and let it bathe over us, letting every word wash over our minds; quenching our thirst for feeling our own power. Our power to be who we are.
We hear over and over again, "let go of our past mistakes". I say, embrace them hold the tight. I thank them for giving me the chance to experience, change and grow! It's the thought process that got us into those difficult situations that we need to reexamine.
When I was 22 people thought it was a mistake for me to leave RI College to go follow a boy to Germany. But, I was so fearless then, I went, yes and I made my share of "wrong " decisions, then, not being able to stand-up for myself in alot of ways. But, thru all the tears and beers, I have precious memories of "that Crazy" year I spent in Europe. Not, everyone can say that, and no one can take some of any of those memories away from me. When I cam home a year later, RIC was still there, it hadn't change but I had.
One June, many moons later, I was visiting my friend Bob, in New York City. It was my birthday, so I picked up a Backstage and started circling auditions. The first one I went on was for a dancer in an off-off Broadway show. I went: I read, I sang, I danced....I GOT THE PART! So I stayed in New York! Got bumped up to lead role with in a month. And spent a year working at The New York Comedy Club, doing amazing Improv with Alan Chan and the Improv-ables. Drank alot of tequila with Arte Lange and other funny folks. It was a great time.
Then there was the summer I spent in Maine working on a schooner. My beautiful brother and then soon to be wife brought me there. This led to one of the longest winters in my life....miscarriage, molar pregnancy,malignant tumor, physical abuse.....but there, I found the power of the Goddess, the Tarot and many books that led me on a path shiny with crystals, meditation, and metaphysical Love.
I came home again, then I met my husband.....that's another story for another time...I'll just say this:
We have been married ten years, have two beautiful children, and now have learned to be who I am, live my life, and my share my passion.
My Mother and Father are the perfection of Unconditional Love, I basque in their everlasting light.
A spent a decade in the Sunshine State, Yoga becoming a focal point in my life. But, it was in the Ancient City of sweet St. Augustine where I found: The Science Of Mind and the teachings of Ernest Holmes.
After 20 years of reading every Deepak Chopra book, and everything from the Autobiography of a Yogi, to to many "self Help" who are you, be this, find that books. This all made sense to me. The Truth, it was so easy.
I sang my hearts song to God with such joy. Finding friends who were like- minded and really being able to just Be who I really was.
I love being a Mom, a Wife, a performer, a sister, a daughter, a lover of life.
Now I am back in my home state, Yo Vinny! Back in Lil Rhody r yes. I have reconnected with some great old friend and made some special new ones. I'm back where I started...Yes, but who knows for how long...for my dreams are taking me to placed unknown.
I am visioning my new life every day. Taking all my "mistakes", "bad Choices" and looking at them. Taking what is good, and throwing the rest away. Cleaning out my soul. Hitting the reset button.
I am giving myself the Freedom to believe in myself. I am good. I am Powerful. I am wearing the Armor of Light, I know that there is no difference between God and Good, I am good, I am God, I am Peace, I am LOVE.
I am following my passion. What is stopping us all from doing this. Nothing.
And so it is.
Actors have passion for life. We also have the ability to share our passion with , well...anyone who'll watch. We research our roles. We explore different possibilities of each line we deliver, every level of emotion explore. We become who we perceive ourselves to be.
My favorite poet wrote"to be or not to be? that is the question." Well I know my answer to that question, having played Hamlet and explored the role for years.I read every book, watched every film and live performance I could. Reading, and re-reading. Rehearsing and reheasing. I put myself in his world, I achieved the depths and heights of emotions of his life and death.
I grew. I changed my way of looking at the world.
Every time we read a book, or poem and let it bathe over us, letting every word wash over our minds; quenching our thirst for feeling our own power. Our power to be who we are.
We hear over and over again, "let go of our past mistakes". I say, embrace them hold the tight. I thank them for giving me the chance to experience, change and grow! It's the thought process that got us into those difficult situations that we need to reexamine.
When I was 22 people thought it was a mistake for me to leave RI College to go follow a boy to Germany. But, I was so fearless then, I went, yes and I made my share of "wrong " decisions, then, not being able to stand-up for myself in alot of ways. But, thru all the tears and beers, I have precious memories of "that Crazy" year I spent in Europe. Not, everyone can say that, and no one can take some of any of those memories away from me. When I cam home a year later, RIC was still there, it hadn't change but I had.
One June, many moons later, I was visiting my friend Bob, in New York City. It was my birthday, so I picked up a Backstage and started circling auditions. The first one I went on was for a dancer in an off-off Broadway show. I went: I read, I sang, I danced....I GOT THE PART! So I stayed in New York! Got bumped up to lead role with in a month. And spent a year working at The New York Comedy Club, doing amazing Improv with Alan Chan and the Improv-ables. Drank alot of tequila with Arte Lange and other funny folks. It was a great time.
Then there was the summer I spent in Maine working on a schooner. My beautiful brother and then soon to be wife brought me there. This led to one of the longest winters in my life....miscarriage, molar pregnancy,malignant tumor, physical abuse.....but there, I found the power of the Goddess, the Tarot and many books that led me on a path shiny with crystals, meditation, and metaphysical Love.
I came home again, then I met my husband.....that's another story for another time...I'll just say this:
We have been married ten years, have two beautiful children, and now have learned to be who I am, live my life, and my share my passion.
My Mother and Father are the perfection of Unconditional Love, I basque in their everlasting light.
A spent a decade in the Sunshine State, Yoga becoming a focal point in my life. But, it was in the Ancient City of sweet St. Augustine where I found: The Science Of Mind and the teachings of Ernest Holmes.
After 20 years of reading every Deepak Chopra book, and everything from the Autobiography of a Yogi, to to many "self Help" who are you, be this, find that books. This all made sense to me. The Truth, it was so easy.
I sang my hearts song to God with such joy. Finding friends who were like- minded and really being able to just Be who I really was.
I love being a Mom, a Wife, a performer, a sister, a daughter, a lover of life.
Now I am back in my home state, Yo Vinny! Back in Lil Rhody r yes. I have reconnected with some great old friend and made some special new ones. I'm back where I started...Yes, but who knows for how long...for my dreams are taking me to placed unknown.
I am visioning my new life every day. Taking all my "mistakes", "bad Choices" and looking at them. Taking what is good, and throwing the rest away. Cleaning out my soul. Hitting the reset button.
I am giving myself the Freedom to believe in myself. I am good. I am Powerful. I am wearing the Armor of Light, I know that there is no difference between God and Good, I am good, I am God, I am Peace, I am LOVE.
I am following my passion. What is stopping us all from doing this. Nothing.
And so it is.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009

JULY 18TH 7PM $10
JULY 25TH 7PM $10
Friday, June 19, 2009
One Day More!!
No, not till revolution, silly, until "THE VARIETY SHOW", has it's opening night. I am so excited!! I have a grand vision, and it will come true on the stage of The Black Box. Oh, I have spent many an hour in the walls of many black boxes, creating characters, telling stories of love and life, just like Will. But, tomorrow is another day...a new dawn...a new day...it is my time to shine!! Come bring your love and light to share with me, oh and leave your worries behind. This is a time for FUN!! I have the utmost confidence in my superior cast and am so excited to share all my dreams with you, who knows maybe I'll make some of yours come true!!
So I'll see you all tomorrow night, at The Artists Exchange, in Cranston, RI!! 7pm see you there!!
Oh for you Sonnet lovers, we have changed the date of our "Evening with the Sonnets", we will be sharing the bards words of love to you all on July 11th and 12th at 7pm, at the Artists Exchange. With change, comes growth, and we will better bring our love for Will with a little more time! Thanks
So I'll see you all tomorrow night, at The Artists Exchange, in Cranston, RI!! 7pm see you there!!
Oh for you Sonnet lovers, we have changed the date of our "Evening with the Sonnets", we will be sharing the bards words of love to you all on July 11th and 12th at 7pm, at the Artists Exchange. With change, comes growth, and we will better bring our love for Will with a little more time! Thanks
Thursday, June 18, 2009
"The Variety Show", "An Evening with The Sonnets", "Felicia Rose"
Well, it's almost time for "THE VARIEY SHOW". I'm so excited to be back on stage in Lil Rhody. Working the boards with old friends and new. I am so grateful for Rich Morra and everyone at the Artists Exchange for their welcoming spirit. It's going to be such a great show!! Improv, sketches, music, fun for all!!
Please come down to 50 Rolf Square, Cranston, RI. Saturday Night June 20th at 7pm $10for more info give us a call 401-489-0429.
Now, next weekend is also a weekend full of creative endeavors.
Friday and Saturday June 26th and 27th at 7pm in the Black Box at Artists Exchange, we will be presenting "An Evening with the Sonnets", come down and share in Wills poems of love and life.Call 401-490-9477.
If you do the sonnets on Friday then you can spend Saturday night enriching your spiritual self at a magical night of music at Concordia Center For Spiritual Living. The amazing singer Felicia Rose will be sharing her gifts with our spiritual community. This is going to be a special event, so you should check it out. Saturday June 27th, $10 advance tix, $15 at the door Call 401-732-1552 for reservations and info.
Please come down to 50 Rolf Square, Cranston, RI. Saturday Night June 20th at 7pm $10for more info give us a call 401-489-0429.
Now, next weekend is also a weekend full of creative endeavors.
Friday and Saturday June 26th and 27th at 7pm in the Black Box at Artists Exchange, we will be presenting "An Evening with the Sonnets", come down and share in Wills poems of love and life.Call 401-490-9477.
If you do the sonnets on Friday then you can spend Saturday night enriching your spiritual self at a magical night of music at Concordia Center For Spiritual Living. The amazing singer Felicia Rose will be sharing her gifts with our spiritual community. This is going to be a special event, so you should check it out. Saturday June 27th, $10 advance tix, $15 at the door Call 401-732-1552 for reservations and info.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come here the music play, and get on with you funny selves!! Are you feeling funny, you can take something for that, take 2 hrs of comedy and see me in the morning, but seriously...why do comedians say that "but seriously".... seriously people I want you to prepare a "Zombie monster musical" audition piece, seriously, be as funny as possible,seriously.....but seriously we are creating a seriously funny show for the First official "A Rose Production", "The Variety Show". Saturday,June 20th,7pm $10, in The Black Box Theater @ the Artists Exchange in Cranston, Rhode Island. Song, dance, comedy and everything in between.
Oh it's so good being on the stage again! This is our first variety show since returning to the Rhode Island theater scene. Quiet a different cultural environment than St. Augustine. Oh,we produced some great stuff, with some talented people. I'm hoping some of them will be joining us in the future.
"What's in a Name", that which we call "A Rose" (Productions)by any other name would still smell as sweet. Well, I think we do. And you will too!! From Shakespeare to Sondheim...and everything in between! Join us, leave your fields to flower....peace
Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments
Oh the Sonnets, I have been fortunate enough to be back in the sonnet world, teaching, reading, preparing for performances. I've bee writing, rehearsing, creating new things with old friends. I've been learning while I'm teaching, and growing with love each day. Delving into Wills words of love, unleashing my passion for his words, rolling trippingly off my tongue. I've been able to be me. I am living in the flow of creation. I have an abundance of friends and love being showered upon me. I am living in the light. I am in the spotlight, it is my time to shine. Shine with me. Peace.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
All the world's a stage
Yes, and I was so happy to be back on one yesterday. No I was not rehearsing for my upcoming productions. I was doing something I rarely do, I was "Auditioning". I sometimes jokingly tell people I started my own company so that I wouldn't have to audition anymore. Well, I guess that's partially true. I started my company so that I could produce my own work, and to choose whose work I want to do. It's not that I feel I'm above auditioning, it's just to put yourself through that emotional rollercoaster is only part of the decision. Now, as an actor, I am always being judged by my audience. But in performance, I feel I am in control. I think when you spend hours preparing an audition piece a thousand different ways , to put yourself into the characters world for just a moment, with the hope that that moment turn into a lifetime. Because once you take on a role, it is part of you forever, that is one of the most wondrous parts of being an actor. You take on a character, and you become them and then when the curtain goes down, they have become you. Why did I audition, sing a song I thought I knew until I had to learn it for real. Sing it over and over and over, until it's the only thing I hear (besides my screaming kids, nothing drowns them out).The answer is simple, a Director (Rich Morra) whose work I greatly respect and admire, asked me to. Oh, did I mention it was for the role of Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar. I have wanted to play this role for as long as I can remember! Even just having the opportunity to sing "I don't know how to love him" in front of anyone is a dream come true. So that is why I do what I do. Because even though now I must endure two weeks of waiting to find out if I got the part or not, I enjoyed singing that song. And I know I will again, someday soon, I hope.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Let's go on with the show! And we will, and with Will in mind we are putting up:
JUNE 24, 25 7pm JUNE 26 2pm
JUNE 20th, JULY 18th, AUGUST 15th @7pm
What's in a Name has transformed into A Rose Productions. We are so excited to be working with the great folks at the Artists Exchange, in Cranston. It's a great space and these people are doing great things everyday!! Rich Morra, the Director of The Black Box Theater, is a brilliant director. His last production," Twilight", was an amazing accomplishment. It's the perfect space to put up "Desdemona". This is a wonderful show that I feel in love with 12 yrs ago and have been passionate about putting it up since then. As a director and as an actress it is a complex, yet, fun piece. I still have to read it thru a couple more times and then I'll decide which great role I want to play!! I change my mind daily! The show is the other side of the wall of "Othello".
I'll get into more detail as time goes on....
Now back on stage, the comedy and musical stylings of Julie and some of her closest and most insane friends. Watch them create ridiculous sketches, musical parodies and show off their amazing Improv-abilities!! This is a true variety show. All arts are welcome and displayed. Each month you will see some of Lil Rhody's favorite, singers, dancers, poets, and musicians sharing all of their great talents with us all!! And the best part is you can join us. You can show off your talents or be part of merry band, all you have to do is ask Julie, and she'll say Yes!! Let's have some fun!!
JUNE 24, 25 7pm JUNE 26 2pm
JUNE 20th, JULY 18th, AUGUST 15th @7pm
What's in a Name has transformed into A Rose Productions. We are so excited to be working with the great folks at the Artists Exchange, in Cranston. It's a great space and these people are doing great things everyday!! Rich Morra, the Director of The Black Box Theater, is a brilliant director. His last production," Twilight", was an amazing accomplishment. It's the perfect space to put up "Desdemona". This is a wonderful show that I feel in love with 12 yrs ago and have been passionate about putting it up since then. As a director and as an actress it is a complex, yet, fun piece. I still have to read it thru a couple more times and then I'll decide which great role I want to play!! I change my mind daily! The show is the other side of the wall of "Othello".
I'll get into more detail as time goes on....
Now back on stage, the comedy and musical stylings of Julie and some of her closest and most insane friends. Watch them create ridiculous sketches, musical parodies and show off their amazing Improv-abilities!! This is a true variety show. All arts are welcome and displayed. Each month you will see some of Lil Rhody's favorite, singers, dancers, poets, and musicians sharing all of their great talents with us all!! And the best part is you can join us. You can show off your talents or be part of merry band, all you have to do is ask Julie, and she'll say Yes!! Let's have some fun!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
The quality of mercy is not strained
They changed Poetry.com to something else!! It's kind of the same site, but no more Haiku contest!! I know I can still write haikus on my own, it's just after 10 yrs I was upset it was taken from me.
Taken, Lost,Released...
Also, this week, a piece of my soul went to the spirit. only with me for a few weeks, but in my heart forever. I have written a haiku to honor my loss...
When the tiny heart
falls in the abyss so dark
we are truly sad
Taken, Lost,Released
Anger, denial, bargaining,depression, acceptance...sad, so very very sad...
Taken, lost, released
Love. love, love
And So It Is
Taken, Lost,Released...
Also, this week, a piece of my soul went to the spirit. only with me for a few weeks, but in my heart forever. I have written a haiku to honor my loss...
When the tiny heart
falls in the abyss so dark
we are truly sad
Taken, Lost,Released
Anger, denial, bargaining,depression, acceptance...sad, so very very sad...
Taken, lost, released
Love. love, love
And So It Is
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame!
I don't know, third base! Take two and hit to left. I don't want that ball I want a real ball. You throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball. If you build it they will come. He's stealing home, they don't see I don't believe it. I consider myself the luckiest man(man) on the face of the Earth(Earth). I love Baseball movies! Mainly because, I LOVE BASEBALL! And today I consider myself one of the luckiest MOM"S on the face of the Earth. Today was my sons Opening Day! It was fab. Jake is what my dad, baseball expert, (affectionately known to 1000's of kids as "Coach")refers to as a Natural. He came out of my womb swinging a bat. And today he got his first hit of the season! Line dive right past the short stop. He got a single and eventually scored. Then he took the field and made a great play in left!! All the kids had fun! It was a wonderfully fun family day, my daughter loves cheering on her big brother!! We all enjoyed the beautiful weather, organized chaos, a parade, team pictures and a great game. We all made new friends and are looking forward to a great season! And of course...Go RED SOX!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I'll ask you once again...What's in a name?
I am Bugs Bunny! I am Fozzie Bear! I am am Marilyn Monroe (now and in a past life!) I am Sinead O'Connor! I am Cynthia Lennon! I am Geoffrey Vanderbilt! I am Rainbow Harmony! I am a Hero! I am the movie "Say Anything"! I am the song "Across the Universe"! And yes I am The Beatles!! How do I know all these things? Facebook told me, so it must be true. Yes I am one of those people who take facebook quizzes. Why? I'm still trying to sort that out. I could say, for fun, but it's not just that. I am, as most of us are, curious to figure out that age old question "who am I?". And tho I say, "I am who I am", I know that I can always be more; so maybe if I see what cartoon character I most resemble, I can get a deeper understanding of my own existence. Ha, that's bull because I know full well I always try to fix the quiz results to try to get the answer I want. That doesn't always work tho, sometimes I'm surprised with the result, and most of the time, it makes me smile. And the answer is usually pretty accurate. Well, there was the one where they said I was The Tin Man, as if!! But, if you want to know if you're an expert in Musicals, or The Wizard of OZ (like me); or if you want to know what Godfather Character you are (I'll let you know my result), take a facebook quiz and smile. Who knows who you might be! After all, I am a Rose!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Always Loved
Always Loved
Long ago and far away, in another life
Before she was a mother,
Before she was a wife,
She was just somebody, always alone
Now her Life is full of love
So full of peace and hope,
She laughs and dreams,
No time for plots and schemes
Now she can smile, as she thinks of long ago
And not so far away, in another life
For now she is a mother,
Now she is a wife
She is a someone, never alone, always loved
I have been blessed again, again and again.! Peace!
Long ago and far away, in another life
Before she was a mother,
Before she was a wife,
She was just somebody, always alone
Now her Life is full of love
So full of peace and hope,
She laughs and dreams,
No time for plots and schemes
Now she can smile, as she thinks of long ago
And not so far away, in another life
For now she is a mother,
Now she is a wife
She is a someone, never alone, always loved
I have been blessed again, again and again.! Peace!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
O learn to red what silent love has writ...
A to Z
I write letters in my head
they're never sent
I write letters in my head
of things I should've said
I write letters in my head
even if your dead
I write them in my head
of thanks I should've sent
I write them and write them
I never use ink
water water, drowning in your drink
I write letters to my heart
of right and wrong
I sing songs of joy and pain
where everybody knows your name
I write letters every day
maybe soon they'll come your way
I write letters to my heart
dancing, dreaming, it's a start
This is one of my go-to poems, when I go to poetry readings and such. I dedicate this to my fab Auntie Laurea (another great woman with a funny name); I actually wrote her letter a few years ago, putting pen to paper to let her know how much she has meant in my life and what a great friend and inspiration she has always been, and still is! Everyone should write letters to someone they care about. Sometimes seeing words meant just for you, on paper; it makes you feel so special. Reading a letter from a friend who has passed, can bring emotions of every range, and make you feel still close to that love gone to spirit!
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine
wit. ws
I write letters in my head
they're never sent
I write letters in my head
of things I should've said
I write letters in my head
even if your dead
I write them in my head
of thanks I should've sent
I write them and write them
I never use ink
water water, drowning in your drink
I write letters to my heart
of right and wrong
I sing songs of joy and pain
where everybody knows your name
I write letters every day
maybe soon they'll come your way
I write letters to my heart
dancing, dreaming, it's a start
This is one of my go-to poems, when I go to poetry readings and such. I dedicate this to my fab Auntie Laurea (another great woman with a funny name); I actually wrote her letter a few years ago, putting pen to paper to let her know how much she has meant in my life and what a great friend and inspiration she has always been, and still is! Everyone should write letters to someone they care about. Sometimes seeing words meant just for you, on paper; it makes you feel so special. Reading a letter from a friend who has passed, can bring emotions of every range, and make you feel still close to that love gone to spirit!
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine
wit. ws
What's in a name?
Ida, there's a name for ya. Do you know anyone with this name? If you do know of an Ida , consider yourself lucky, because she is probably an interesting soul. My Mother's middle name is Ida, and with the exception of my Mom, who is a fascinating and beautiful person (with many stories to tell), I really never ran into the name until a few years ago. Living in history-rich, St. Augustine, Fl, I had an opportunity to portray another Ida: Ida Alice Flagler. Oh what a gal! The second wife of Henry Flagler, the railroad tycoon. She was wild soul, who had great part in creating the Flagler Hotel (now college). She was also infamous for her antics which included, running naked thru the hotel fountain, as well as, holding seances to commune with her "love", Nicholas, the Czar of Russia. She ended up in a mental hospital, but I'm not sure she really belonged there. See Henry wasn't the nicest guy and with that much money, he could do whatever he wanted! And he wanted a new, young wife!
A couple of weeks ago I began research for my new play, it's a history of RI, it's set in Oakland Beach, Warwick. In the process of searching for historical figures,to use as characters, I found another Ida. Ida Lewis, of Newport, RI. She was the first female lighthouse keeper on the Eastern Seaboard. She was a strong, courageous woman; of course, she didin't see herself that way; she was just doing what had to be done. While working on the rocky Newport shores she rescued over 200 people in the course of her career! There is a yaught club named for her!
So for years I thought my Mom's name was funny and strange, did I mention her first name is Dorice! Turns out, others with funny names have made a positive impact on many lives (Mr. Obama), just like my Mom!
A couple of weeks ago I began research for my new play, it's a history of RI, it's set in Oakland Beach, Warwick. In the process of searching for historical figures,to use as characters, I found another Ida. Ida Lewis, of Newport, RI. She was the first female lighthouse keeper on the Eastern Seaboard. She was a strong, courageous woman; of course, she didin't see herself that way; she was just doing what had to be done. While working on the rocky Newport shores she rescued over 200 people in the course of her career! There is a yaught club named for her!
So for years I thought my Mom's name was funny and strange, did I mention her first name is Dorice! Turns out, others with funny names have made a positive impact on many lives (Mr. Obama), just like my Mom!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Poetic mornings
After making breakfast and recovering from the cyclone of getting Jake off to school, and Jason to work; on a good day Katie will play by herself or maybe watch disney and i get a moment to write. I love to jump start my brain by going to Poetry.com and entering the hiku and poetry-in-motion- contests. I've been going there for about 10 yrs and never won, but it's a fun way to start the day, try it! Here are a couple of my pieces from last week. Enjoy!
The fire in my heart
Flies into the sky to part
The clouds beyond the dark
Half- Imagined
Faces melt with rememberance
Oceans of time gone in
Loves eternal moment
Only to be found again
In a new Wave
The fire in my heart
Flies into the sky to part
The clouds beyond the dark
Half- Imagined
Faces melt with rememberance
Oceans of time gone in
Loves eternal moment
Only to be found again
In a new Wave
To Blog or not to Blog
That is the question. I guess yes is the answer. As a Mom of two, a wife, and a performer, I have gone thru many stages in my life. Sometimes I left the stage in darkness, but most of the time I saw the glow tape and just stumbled a bit. Having just returned home to Lil Rhody; going thru my first winter in 9 years, it has been yet another growing opportunity. Being a metephysical kind of gal, I'm trying to "always look on the bight side of life". I guess I forgot how difficult it was to do in RI. Why is it on all the e-vh1 celeb shows the star hits the bottom and gets back up stronger and better and everyone loves them again. Well, that isn't the reality of life. I am Tammy Wynett, Hialry Clinton, Mrs Spitzer, It's not always easy to stand by your man. But in the end Love is All You Need!!(and alot of kleenex!) I gotta say tho, facebook saved me from falling into the the snowy abyss. The reconnections made with friends of past stages,have been a blessing. My best friend from college has shined his light into my life again. This week being full of Easter rituals, I am surrounded by childhood stages of catholithic rhetoric, as well as, grand memories of sweet family encounters and pretty hats and dresses! I am looking foward to dressing up my chilren in their purdy clothes and celebrating the rebirth of the Earth and my soul!
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