Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Waltz of the New Dawn

I climb the wild mountain,
I witness the aetheric connection of all worlds
Lumerian memories rejoice in my
Priestess Heart
Sacred Ceremonies embedded in the Light of My Soul
Returning to the Highest Peak
up up up
through the mighty winds of change and release
Tao dreams peaking through the mist

to the Chrystal abyss
flying free with thee
to the Palace of love and light

smiles and laughter
music and visions
angels always angels
birdsong song song sing
hear your message
feel the eternal bliss

easy travel to the pathway of pure light
dolphin encounters
yin yang embrace
watery dreams
emotional wakening
ascending always ascending

your angelic embrace
floods my heart with my Priestess quest
 I enter through the Shamans Door
down the rabbit whole
into the core

we meet there
in the forest of forever
we gather our light
and circle the love
sharing the knowledge if eternal bliss
knowing always that Heaven's Gate is Within
and everything else is just, 'window dressing'

I am hear to love and listen
to listen and to learn
to learn and to give
to give and truly live

unleashing my wings, I fly again
with Love's power
the ultimate energy
the force of surrender

into the rainbow
landing in the light, softly lifted

I fly
always landing
with grace
with the bursting of
my open heart
I am fearless
in the light

I travel on the ray
through the Helix of an Aquarian realm
emerging in Pleiadian bliss
Lakes glistening with dancing sunshine
the core of beauty
the Search is over
the Door is open
Love is The Key

I turn the handle
and open
My Door
to Universal truth
the pure golden emergence

I am the Light
I am the flames
The cosmos on fire
the new spark of light and life
created from the neon realm
all voices are angels
all songs are seriphim
the cherished cherubs
dreaming into the more
dreaming of the new

I again serve myself by helping others
into their light

hopes dwelling in wonderland
sewing the seeds of known expectation

I dance in the light of love
flying the flags of freedom
entered my portal of peace
creating 'First Contact'
with 'The Self'

True words
 connecting the Akashic voice to my heart
Hearing the word of the Elohim
the pure voices of sweet softness
and seen only in the light of the New World

Oh Great Goddess Inanna
I am the reflection of your Soul
I proclaim the truth of our New Reality

I rejoice in your Angelic answers
I live in your prayers of eternal Peace
and Prosperity

For I know now
as I live no more in the sorrows of yesterday
or in the worries of the morrow

I live for the day
I live for the night
All for me

The Eternal Waltz
The New Dawn