When I was a girl my father would say,"who's better than you, Ju?" and I'd say,"Nobody Dad, nobody."
When I was a girl my mother would say,"Be faithful and true."
When I was a girl my teachers would say ,"We see something in you, go out into the world and do what you do"
"Who's better than you"
"Be faithful and true"
"Do what you do"
These are lines from my one woman show. And I have tried to live with all of this is my heart, always...I am not saying I was always faithful and true...but I do do what I do and I know nobody is better than YOU!!
This photo is a slice of my life...
I am using as our inspirational photo of the day because, today I have been working on some songs and poems that are the Real me.
Today's poem is not a haiku, it is a map...with an ode to Batman. It was inspired by an old friend, who I knew when I lived in Germany, we recently reconnected(thanks facebook) and he wrote be brief note of where he has been for the past 20ish years ..! Here is my response to his question of ,"And where have you been"
I've said it before and I'll say it again..."I've been everywhere man!"
"But you can call me KITKA"
It all started in Providence
New York-WOW!
West Palm Beach-WOO!
St. Augustine-POOF!
OM is my Home....
and so it is.
peace and love,
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