Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Stage

A New Year has begun. I step onto another new stage. As I do, my light shines brighter. This is the year I step into My light. Riding the wave of life, catching the spirit of freedom. Taking stock in all that I have accomplished since my move west....I have done so much. From The 4-T's and Seabeck, Palm Sunday and all my Great Spiritual Ahas and Awakenings. I got Miracles from Motown and more!! I found God in gourmets and superstars named Jesus and Michael. I found prosperity and security and complete love for and from friends and family. I am ready for this New Stage. I am grateful. This new Dawn. Lord Love Ya!

Yesterday my angel came to me in my darkness....

He pulled me into his light and then led me back to mine...


Pulled away by your voice
An Angel in my light
My vision spotty,my heart dizzy
Light seeping thought the cracks
To the Thing Itself
Shadows Swell until the dawn
Dreams come and Good goes forth
Following our rainbows to the golden bath
Our Light Streaming Love
Pure Love, One Love, My Love
Turn around into the Light
Turn around again
I am alone so I turn around
and I see my friend
Spin your web and Give Give Give
Turn around and Live Live Live
Shadows Swell
Building Arms to hold me through
The Night
To follow my dreams to my Heart
To touch the sky and Love the Why
Come now sweet child dream with me
finding the answers to set you free
Oh my sweet love take my hand and dance
Turn around
Turn upside down
Spin a Web
Catch Your Dream
Take a Chance

Pure Love, One Love, My Love

Turn around into the Light

Happy new year all!

This Year's theme:Success and Happiness

as always:

Peace and Love

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