Monday, July 13, 2015

Only Rainbows

Amazing! To know complete surrender
 easily, quickly
 as I expose the heart to it's truth
 in the Light of God
Flying into the Lotus
 landing with ease
 in the arms
 of my Angel of Peace
Deeply grounded
Forever Grateful
Easily forgiven
 within Your Grace

There are no shadows in The Light
Only Rainbows
Reflections the Spiral Mind
The Shell of Connection
Eternal Oneness
 always found
 in the Light
Eternal struggles
 burned away
 in the passion
 of my Creative Pyre
The veracity of
 my Always Self
found in the center
 of Divine Radiance
Home in my Place of Peace
Home in my Heart
Om is my home


Peace and love,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My American Beauty

Among my friends
Whose names
 are that of other girls
 whose beauty dared to compare
 with the complete perfection
 of one blossom

Among the colors
founded in green and brown
your hues are never hidden for long

We rejoice in your forever fragrant memory

We are walking in paths created by your arches
Children grown from a the seeds of
Your greatness

Standing tall with open blooms
Shaken by wind
Made stronger with rain

What's in your name is love
Your vision as grand as your hue
Your stature as great as your scent

Among my friends
I found my beauty
 in the peace
You inspire

Seed to blossom
Root to bloom
Petals dance
Your time
In the
Ends too soon

Among my friends
I celebrate
my abundance of all

And I
I become
Something more
Beyond the soil
And summer stems
As I release my thorns

Ready to celebrate

The season of
My American Beauty